Herod Should Have Known

Imagine going to a birthday party, a really big impressive gathering, and not even knowing whose birth was being celebrated?  Suppose most of the people there didn’t know, or care, …

What Is Spiritual Warfare

WHAT IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE? (Thirty plus years ago God put Don Rogers in my life.  He trained and mentored me in spiritual ministry.  When he was no longer able to …

The Magi Should Have Known

It can be discouraging to see so many people celebrating the upcoming “Winter Holiday” but missing the meaning and significance of it.  People should know better.  They’ve all heard about …


NOTICING OTHERS I must admit it: sometimes I get so involved in myself and what I am doing that I don’t notice what is happening in the lives of others …


CURSES When we think of curses today we often picture a witch doctor doing some voodoo magic over someone, or perhaps a person sticking needles in a doll while reciting …