In Aesop’s fable “the Lion and the Fox” a fox sees a lion and hides, but each time he sees the lion he ventures closer and closer for he has lost his deep respect and the lion is now commonplace. Aesop concludes with the moral, “familiarity breeds contempt.” We see that same truth played out in our lives today, and, unfortunately, often in our spiritual lives as well.
Take the Bible for instance. In India I see many Christians who don’t own a Bible and have no hope of ever having their own copy. If they have a friend who has one they may get to hold it for a few minutes, reverently feeling its pages and looking at a few of the important words it contains. When we give them their own new Bible for free they are very happy. They treasure it as their most cherished possession – and isn’t that what it is for all believers?
Yet often we have so many copies sitting around the house, have the Word so readily available on radio, CD and in sermons, that we have lost our deep respect for it and it has become commonplace. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being very, very familiar with the Bible. We are commanded to be so, but the more we ‘eat’ the Word the greater our appetite should be for it. The longer we drink in His truth the stronger our thirst should get for more of it. It shouldn’t take an absence of the Word to make us appreciate it more, because of our constant exposure to it we should the most hungry of all peoples. Familiarity should not breed contempt, familiarity should breed a deeper love and appreciation for the Word of God. (Doylestown, PA March 30, 2015)
Mark 6:2-4 “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor.
How about you? Do you have a stronger desire to read and learn the Bible now than you did a year ago? Is your familiarity with the Word of God breeding apathy or a stronger desire to learn more?
CTO UPDATE: Many exciting things are happening at CTO (Christian Training Organization).
In INDIA we are receiving the 2,750 Telugu Bibles which are being distributed to those without, and Pastor Moses has been to meet the believers in the church that was burnt near where we were in January. He will take Bibles there soon. For more information see
Our 13th annual MARRIAGE RETREAT was a great success and was much enjoyed by all 29 couples who attended. Dates for next year are March 11-13, 2016. Cost is still just $250.
WORLD VIEW + for teens will have a Leaders Training Intensive for those leading small groups at our week-long summer camp (June 15-21, 2015).
SPIRITUAL WARFARE counseling and teaching continues to grow and expand as well, both in the USA and around the world. I regularly get requests for my ebooks on spiritual warfare from virtually every corner of the world. I continue to do much counseling through emails and in person as well.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for God to provide the opportunities He would have for me to minister. Pray especially that He will open doors for us to expand our base of those who pray and give in support of the pastors of India. Thanks!!!