Depression, Discouragement and Anxiety


Depression and discouragement are one of Satan’s strongest weapons against people.  Job, Moses, Elijah and many others faced it.  It has defeated many Christians through the years.  To one degree or another, we all face these at some time in life.  We know people who struggle with seasons of depression and discouragement or anxiety and fear.  Our only weapon against these is the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:10-18).  Here are some verses to keep handy for when you need them or to share with others in their struggles.

2 Corinthians 1:9-10 “Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us,

Sometimes we feel like we have received a death sentence and we struggle to go on, but God allows these things in our lives to show us our total dependence on Him alone for all our needs.  Even when we feel ‘dead,’ we must remember that God, who brings the dead back to life, will restore us as well.  He has done it in the past and He will do it again.  We must keep our hope (“confidence assurance”) set on Him and not the circumstances around us.  He has promised to deliver us and God always keeps His promises.  Scripture is full of examples of God delivering His people when they faced the impossible. He is the God who delivers. He can deliver you. Deliverance may not look exactly like we think it should or come immediately, but it indeed will come. He has delivered us. He will deliver us again. No matter what we’re facing, we can place our hope in His promises.

Psalm 29:10-11  The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;  the Lord is enthroned as King forever.  The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.

Anyone who tries to drive through a flooded road, not knowing how deep or strong the water is, is foolish.  Yet often we try to push through the engulfing waters of depression with our own strength.  That is even more dangerous.  Instead, put your faith in the One who is Sovereign over the flood, no matter how deep or fast the waters are.  He is Almighty God, sovereign over all creation.  The word used in Hebrew for “engulfing waters” is used in Psalm 29 and in Genesis to describe the flood of Noah. If God is king of that flood, the flood that destroyed all life on earth, then He is certainly king of your flood.

God is enthroned over the engulfing waters of our emotions, our loneliness, our disaster, our fear and our pain. When the floods come, remember His voice. He thunders and appears over the waters as they threaten to overcome.

Isaiah 45:3  I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

God promised to bring judgment on His unfaithful people in Judah, but He also promised to restore them.  Despite being in captivity and bondage, He offered hope to them.  They are in exile far from the land He gave them, but He is offering hope (“confident assurance”) to them.  Depression, discouragement, anxiety and other forms of mental distress can make us feel far from God, like we are in exile in another country.  We feel far from our usual self, trapped in bondage we can’t escape.

In Isaiah 45, God’s character is on display. He promised to restore His people, to bring them out of their exile to the place He had prepared for them. He will use their season of darkness to bring them back to Him.  God is in control over all the times and stages of our lives, the good as well as the bad.  If He can restore even the darkest season for His chosen people, surely, He can redeem my seasons of depression, allowing us to find treasure in the darkness. And by that, we will know God’s good, faithful, loving character.

When depression and discouragement hit, no matter what form they take, remember to turn to God’s Word for truth and freedom.  Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you.  Let your mind explain truth and reality to your emotions, not the other way around.  Don’t listen to the lies being fed you, for they are from Satan trying to make things even worse (John 8:43-44).  His plan is to make things so bad that death looks more attractive than life.  If he can’t get you to physically end your life, he can make you feel like you are spiritually and emotionally dead.  He will take your joy and peace, and keep you from being an active force advancing God’s Kingdom.  But he can only do this if you allow him to do it.  If you resist, if you stand up and fight using God’s Word, you can and will be free.  Keep these Scriptures, write them on cards and put them where you can see them when negative thoughts hit.  Victory can be yours – if you want it.

Psalm 119:11  Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

When are you most prone to depression, discouragement, fear, etc.?

How do you usually respond?

Which of these verses speaks most clearly to you?  Memorize it so it is always available to use.

Share these verses and truths with others you know who may need them as well.

Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling)

Copyright © 2024

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025