Head Truth of Heart Truth

One of the joys of training pastors in India is seeing their enthusiasm to know more about Jesus.  In a country where most have never heard the name of Jesus they stand out as those who have heard and want to follow Him.    The stories of how many of them came to Jesus are amazing, actually miraculous.  Jesus reached out to reveal Himself to them in a marvelous way.  They gave up everything to follow.

The conference yesterday and today is a perfect example of that.  Many traveled long distances and slept on the concrete church floor last night.  They prayed late into the night and were up at 5 singing (we heard them).  Unlike some other conferences these men and women arrived early and stayed late.  Each day they wanted more sessions.  Normally on the second day I will have 2 sessions, but they wanted 5 today so that is what we had!  They took notes without being asked.  Hopefully we blessed them as much as they blessed us.  (By the way, I had the number wrong yesterday.  About 150 came, not 250.)

These men and women remind  me of the magi (‘wise men’) who left it all to travel thousands of miles in seeking Jesus.  Few others had heard of Him, but their desire was to seek and serve Him.  What a contrast to the Jews they found in Palestine who knew all about Jesus.  They could even tell the magi where He was to be born.  They knew many details about the Messiah but didn’t travel even a short distance to seek Him.

There are many in our country, and other parts of the Western world, who know about Jesus and can tell you the Christmas and Easter stories, but make no effort to find Him and bow before Him, giving Him their possessions and their heart.

Knowing the truth is not same as following the truth.  Only those who leave all to seek and find Him .Do you still seek to come closer to Him, to know, love and serve Him in a more intimate way?  Does the truth you know stay in your head, or has it made its way to your heart?

Matthew 2:1-2  After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

Jeremiah 29:13  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

How is your desire to grow closer to God?  You can tell how strong a relationship is by how much time you invest in it and often you feed it. 

What can you do right now to build a closer connection with God?

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