(This blog is a word-for-word transcript of what I teach to the pastors in India about “How to Study and Preach/Teach the Bible”)

In the previous two blogs we looked at how to study a passage: observation, interpretation and application.  Now lets see how to turn what you learned into a sermon or Bible study so you can communicate it to others.

First, pray.  The first and most important thing to do when preparing a sermon is to pray about how the passage applies to your people.  God will give insight for your sermon just like He did when you were studying.  Listen to His voice.

Focus on the needs of the people.  When you prepare a sermon, think of the people who will be listening.  delivering a message is like shooting an arrow at a target.  You need to know what your target is so you can hit it.  When I come to India I speak to pastors.  I also speak in churches and sometimes speak to children or youth groups.  I have different messages for each group depending on their need.  I don’t teach children how to prepare sermons.  For me to preach evangelism to you would not be your need.  But to talk to you about pastors – that’s what you need to hear.  You need to know the needs of your people so you can focus your message on that need.

One main idea.  Think of your sermon as an arrow. An arrow goes straight in one direction.  If the arrow is crooked it will not go straight.  It’s important to have one topic when you speak so it goes straight to your people.  If you talk about different things people will be confused.  When Jesus spoke or Paul wrote, there was one big idea that summarized all they said.  The thoughts in your sermon need to be all about your own main idea so people understand and remember it.  It’s like an arrow that must be straight to go to its target.

The introduction of the sermon is like the tip of an arrow.  The first part of the arrow to hit the target is the tip.  It has to be sharp so the arrow sticks in the target.  When we present a message the first words we say are very important.  They need to get people’s attention and tell them what we are talking about.  Jesus used stories (parables) to get people’s attention.  If you don’t get your people’s attention and show they why they must listen their minds will wonder while you talk.  An arrow needs to be straight and it needs a good sharp point to hit its mark.  So does your sermon.

Stories and examples are like the feathers at the end of an arrow.  They help the arrow get to its target.  What if the arrow didn’t have feathers?  The feathers on an arrow are like the tail on a kite, they make it go straight.  Telling stories and giving examples helps people understand what you are saying.  Jesus told stories and parables.  The Bible is full of stories that exemplify God’s truth.  My use of an arrow in this article helps understand what I am saying about sermons.  When I teach I use pictures, illustrations, magic tricks or dress up as a Bible person.  These things help the listener better understand and apply what I am saying.  Stories and examples are important for people to understand and to remember.  They make your message go straight to the target

Just make sure you have one topic when you communicate your message.  You introduce it so people are interested and will listen.  Use stories and examples so they understand and remember.  Make sure the whole message fits together.

Evaluation after the sermon.  Ask someone afterward what they thought your main topic was.  See if they understood what you wanted them to understand.  Ask your wife what was good about your sermon.  Ask her what you could have made clearer.  You need honest evaluation to improve your preaching.

I hope these blogs help you to better study the Bible and prepare sermons.  It’s a great privilege and honor to share God’s Word with people as a pastor.  But it is also a very serious responsibility.  (November 11, 2024  Doylestown, PA)

Acts 15:35  But Paul and Barnabas remained in Antioch, where they and many others taught and preached the word of the Lord.

How does what you learned about preparing a sermon compare to what you are doing?  What have you learned that you can use to improve your sermon preparation?


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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