Healthy living has always been a top priority of. As a child I became convicted of the importance of proper diet, rest and exercise. God has blessed me with excellent health even though I am in my 70’s. It’s taken time and effort, but it has been worth it.
God has given me one life and one body in which to live my life. While I have no desire to stay on this earth longer than God wants, I can affect the quality of my time here. Being a good steward of what God has given me includes stewardship of my body. Eating healthy food is a must. Getting enough rest and sleep are also essential. Exercise is crucial, not optional.
Although exercise takes time I know I have gained more productive time than I have lost. I function more efficiently all day and sleep better at night when I exercise. I rarely get sick and have missed hardly any time due to illness my whole life. My quality of life is better even if I don’t live any longer. I save money and time by not visiting doctors and being sick. I set a better example for others. I enjoy life better. I even enjoy my times of exercise each day. I know the time I have invested in exercise have been well worth it in all ways.
While I confess to a love for chocolate, I have always tried to eat a healthy diet as well. That, too, takes time and discipline, but it is also worth it. My weight, health, heart and overall health is greatly affected by my diet. I feel better, function more fully and enjoy everything more because of it. The exercise in practicing self-control is good as well. Gluttony is a sin and we ar responsible to be good stewards of the wonderful body God has given us.
In addition, I have always tried to keep up on my rest. I need to average 8 hours of sleep a night to function at my best efficiency and so that has been a priority as well. Rest and relaxation as well as hobbies and times of fun and enjoyment are also important to balance work and stress in life.
I owe it to my family and church, my wife and children, myself and especially to God to be a good steward of all He has given me, including my health and body. So do you!
1 Kings 19:3-6 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. … Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.
Ps 127:2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat — for he grants sleep to those he loves.
1 Cor 9:27 No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
What are some of the good things you do to stay healthy?
Is God convicting you about your stewardship of your body? Where is improvement needed: diet, rest or exercise (or more than one)?
Write down several steps you can take starting today to become a better steward of your health.
Pray and ask God to give you the self-control needed to make these changes starting now.
Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)
Copyright © 2021