One Year Ago


            One year ago we left India.  It seems like only a few months ago.  Most of the year we are jotting down tips and ideas of small changes we can make in our planning, packing and teaching.  You’d think that after 13 years we’d have this down to a science.  But planning for the unpredictable makes it an ever-evolving art form.  As adventuresome as this all may seem, I (Nancy) truly covet the sweet contentment of an uneventful journey.

            After 30 hours of travel through 10 time zones we arrive at our familiar hotel.  The building across the street is nearly finished after 5 years of construction.   The hotel has a few new employees that don’t recognize us.  The rest of the all male staff greets us like old friends. Surprisingly, the room is ready.  We quickly ate a breakfast of boiled mixed vegetables, strawberry yogurt and fresh-cut pineapple.  Then off to bed for a 5 hour nap, up for a visit at Pastor Moses’ house with scrambled eggs, boiled vegetables and gift giving.  It’s always high-energy fun frantically catching up on a year’s worth of family news.  Moses’ son works for Google at night, as do most tech employees – aka daytime in the USA.  His daughter continues to study and test for her medical specialty.  Moses’ wife has recovered fully from her malaria.  Next, a quick round of family pictures, then off to bed again – ahhhh, 10 hours of sleep!  It was a surprisingly quiet night; no barking wild dogs, minimal horn honking, no hallway noise or construction hammering at the break of dawn.  Already feeling refreshed – praising the Lord for blessings great and small.   (January 16, 2020  Hyderabad, India)

“This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Palm 118:24

What small things has God blessed you with today? He’s all about the details.

Keep on praying for us – so far so good !..Love Nancy

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025