Marriage Retreat Topics 2000-2019

Workbooks for all these topics are available free.  Just email and ask for the years you would like.  You will receive an e-copy of those workbooks.

Mar Ret Dec 2000
Mate Service
Servant leader
Servant submit
Love I Cor 13

Mar Ret Mar 2001
We are so different! (male & female differences)
Fox-Proofing Your Marriage (protect against ‘little’ things)
Married to My Best Friend
Mate Service

Mar Ret Apr 2002
We Are so Different
Married to My Best Friend
Love, Marriage & Sex in Song of Solomon
Mate Service

Mar Ret 2004 – Serving Your Mate
Marriage Garden
Mate Service Male
Mate Service Female
Woman at the Well

Mar Ret 2005 – Married to Your Best Friend
Does Anyone Here Speak woman?
Cultivate Your Marriage (garden)
Married Best Friend
Jesus: Model Masculinity (woman at well)

Mar Ret 2007 – Song of Solomon
Birth Order
Song of Sol verse by verse

Mar Ret 2009 – Bible Couples
Joseph & Mary
Solomon & Shulamith
Abraham & Sarah
Ruth & Boaz

Mar Ret 2010 Perfect & Imperfect Mates
Hosea, perfect husband
Proverbs 31 perfect wife
Sarah, imperfect husband
Moses, imperfect wife

Mar Ret 2011 Bible about Marriage
Blueprint for Marriage Gen 1-3
Women I Peter 6:3
Men 1 Peter 3:6
Perfect marriage Jesus & You

Mar Ret 2012 – Facing Marriage Difficulties
4 Seasons of marriage
How to act right when mate acts wrong
Laugh way to better marriage (Men’s women’s brains)
How to stay married without killing your mate

Mar Ret 2013 – Temperaments
Understanding extroverts
Understanding introverts
Temperaments & marriage

Mar Ret 2014 Happy or Holy
God’s purpose for marriage
Refining power of marriage
God-centered spouse
Marriage love laboratory (love language)

Mar Ret 2015 – Intimacy
Emotional intimacy
Spiritual intimacy
Physical intimacy
Intimacy with God

Mar Ret 2016 – Attachment theories
Comfort, Avoider
Pleaser, Vacillator
Controller, Victim, combinations
Counseling therapy session

Mar Ret 2017 – Keys to Married Oneness
Barriers to Oneness
Healthy Connections
Talking Without Fighting
Praying For Your Marriage

Mar Ret 2018 – Song of Solomon
Courtship and Marriage
Wedding Night
Marriage Problems
A Growing Marriage

Mar Ret 2019 – Winning the Battle for Your Family (Spiritual Warfare & Marriage)
Winning Your Own Battle
Winning the Battle for Your Marriage
Winning the Battle for Your Children
Using Your Armor (Eph. 5)

Mar Ret 2020 – Lies Couples Believe – and the Truth That Sets us Free
“We Shouldn’t Be Married” Lies
“Our Marriage Isn’t Working” Lies
“My Marriage Doesn’t Have To Come First” Lies
“There’s Too Much To Forgive” Lie

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