I asked PK about his evaluation of what was happening in India and the ministry of CTO there. This is his response:
“Thank you for your prayers and the support for the ministry. We continue to pray for you and all those who support CTO. Appreciate your prayers and support for the ministry in India. About the work with the Pastors in India, so far so good. We are trusting God to help now and even in the future.
“Through CTO Pastors are blessed through books and training with conferences they have attended. They have specially increased their faith in the Lord and stood for the Lord in the churches, even though Corona has come. CTO helped thousands of Pastors in time of lock down and Corona with the food, provision for a month, so that made them and their families feel happy and Thankful to the CTO ministry in India.
“Specially the Pastors will be remembering Pastor Jerry’s teaching, and reading his books. They always help them to keep going on in their ministry. They keep reading the books along with the Bible and teach to their church members.
“We have struggles and sufferings in the ministry with non-Christians and at the present time with the government. But we are trusting God will change the situation in the future. There are many Pastors have Passed away, because of the Corona. Many others are struggling but God has been helping the Pastors. They are now coming together for prayer and fellowship in many places. Now and in the future the work of CTO of teaching and encouraging Pastors will keep go on. They have the books and others will be getting them.
“Pastor training continues, even if Pastor Jerry can’t come, because of the Corona and other health issues. In his place I, Pastor Moses, will continue to do the same lessons in the conferences. Christians in the USA encourage the Pastors in India through CTO support and prayers. The ministry CTO has established in India over many years continues now and will in the future no matter what the situation. Thousands of Pastors know the teaching of Pastor Jerry, and the books, so they keep reading and working for the Lord .
“So please continue to pray and support the Pastors in India so Pastors will continue to work and reach more people for God. We Appreciate your prayers. Blessings PK Moses”
I want to add my thanks again as well. Even though we are not physically in India, the impact of the work continues through our prayers, support, encouragement and training. God will reward and bless each one of you for your faithfulness as He has Pastor Moses and myself. You may not meet these people in this life, but be assured you will meet in heaven. Think of all you’ll have to talk about and praise God for together!
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for protection, wisdom and guidance for Pastor Moses as he plans, travels and teaches. Pray for his church as well. They are 98% done with their new building. Pray they would be able to complete it and move it. Pray for his family and their health and protection as well. Ask God to help all the pastors and Christians in India to stay faithful in tough times. Pray their financial, spiritual and emotional needs would be met. Pray for the work of CTO in India and other countries as well.
INDIA UPDATE & PRAYER REQUESTS: God has given Pastor Moses a burden to train and equip other pastors in India, especially those who are poor, uneducated and lack resources. Since 2006 he and I have been working together yearly to provide 190 pastor’s conferences attended by about 10,000 pastors and church leaders as well as 2,500 wives. We have also held many services for churches, children, young people and Bible colleges and seminaries. A strong network of pastors has been developed in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, an area about the size of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware but with four times the number of people. Pastors are now meeting and working together much more than in the past, and that is very necessary during these times. Without knowing we were doing so, we set the groundwork for what is continuing to grow and strengthen in India. The books we left are being distributed and used through these channels and continue to help pastors in many ways. Please keep praying for them, even though we aren’t present among them.