Power-Packed Crumbs
POWER-PACKED CRUMBS We can never underestimate the importance of faith in our Christian life. It affects our prayer life, our victory over sin, our worship and our trust when going …
POWER-PACKED CRUMBS We can never underestimate the importance of faith in our Christian life. It affects our prayer life, our victory over sin, our worship and our trust when going …
GOD’S WAITING ROOM FOR HEAVEN We’ve been spending time with my 90-year-old mother-in-law in Florida. The senior retirement neighborhood she lives in has been described as “God’s waiting room” because …
SCHMOYER PROVERBS Nancy and I have been collecting favorite short sayings of ours for some time. We have some favorites that seem to summarize a lot of truth in a …
SEEKING GOD For whatever strange reason I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the phrase “seeking God.” It was something simple I could easily explain, but the more I now …
WHAT GOD IS TEACHING ME NOW I may be retired from pastoring, but I’m not retired from ministry (just ask Nancy!). And I’m not retired from growing in the Lord. …
This is the last blog in this series. I’ve found these blogs very helpful and informative. If you know of any other subtle tricks of the enemy please let me …