Looking for a City

LOOKING FOR A CITY … I remember once crossing a body of rough water on a ferry boat.  Some of the people where getting seasick so it was suggested they …

Watch Where You Are Walking

WATCH WHERE YOU ARE WALKING! One problem I notice in some people I counsel about spiritual warfare is that they become preoccupied with the enemy and their battle with him.  …

Back to the Basics

BACK TO THE BASICS Suppose you’ve been struggling against demonic influence for some time.  You’ve confessed, renounced, repented, forgiven and apologized as necessary.   But still the battle continues at a …

No Dead Ends

NO DEAD ENDS  When we visit our daughter in Virginia, two of her sons, ages 3 and 5, want me to go on long hikes with them in the woods …

This Far and No Further

THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER Job tells us that God sets the boundaries for the oceans (Job 38:10-11; Proverb 8:29; Psalm 104:9; Jeremiah 5:22).  I’ve been thinking about that  verse …