GOD CAN USE ANYONE (Lessons from Paul 1)
Sometimes God has a very strange way of doing things. When He needed someone to do more good for the church than anyone else ever had, He chose the very man who was doing more harm to the church than anyone else. He used the same man who had been bringing death to many Christians to bring life to many unbelievers. The greatest destroyer of the church became the greatest builder of the church.
Paul was zealous for his Jewish faith and went from synagogue to synagogue encouraging the punishment of Jews who had accepted Jesus as the Messiah. He was involved with Stephen’s death and approved of it (Acts 7:54-8:1). Then God revealed Himself to Paul on the road to Damascus and his whole life changed (Acts 9:1-9). He went from being someone who was persecuting the church to someone who was willing to be persecuted for the church.
No one who knew Paul before he became a believer would have ever thought God would use him to build the church. Paul proves that no one is outside of God’s reach. No one is too bad for Him to save and use. You may have given up on someone because of their evil desire to harm Christians, but God doesn’t give up on anyone. You may think that your sinful past disqualifies you from serving Him, but God doesn’t think so. God doesn’t give up on anyone. In fact, He often chooses those who seem the most disqualified to serve Him because then He gets the glory, not the person. He is the God of second chances. Perhaps He has given you a second chance. Perhaps He has given you a second chance many times over! That’s the kind of God He is! His grace really is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9).
No one is beyond grace. No one is useless. No one is beyond redemption and service. It’s been said that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. That’s very true.
Do not give up on anyone you are witnessing to and praying for. Do not give up on yourself. If God can use a murderer like Paul or David, a coward like Peter (denying the Lord) or Gideon (hiding in a pit) or a sinner like Rahab or Samson He can and He will use you and me – IF we let Him. Are you willing to let Him use you?
Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
Have you given up talking to or praying for someone who seems to far gone to be used by God? Pray for them now, and keep praying for them.
Do you use your own failures and sins as an excuse to keep from serving the Lord, thinking He can’t use you? Confess that attitude as sin and commit to serve Him 100%
Do you know some Christians who have turned from the Lord? Have you given up on them? God hasn’t. Ask Him to show you what you can do to win them back to Him.
Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)
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