Coming to India got rid of all my problems! We started the morning by going to the orphanage Pastor Moses’ church sponsors. I see the 20 children there every year and they remember me as the man who does tricks. I talked to them about Jesus being our friend so we are never alone. The room we met in is where they put their floor mats to sleep. All their personal belongs are in a pigeon hole in the wall. They will live here until old enough to get a job and live on their own. I have no problems.
Then I spoke to the leprosy colony people again, as I do every year. We are also getting to know each other. I spoke about Jobs faith despite his suffering. Then I handed 60 of them bags of flour. I had to carefully balance them on their palms for most have no fingers (or toes) and are crippled. No, I have no problems at all.
Our next stop was one of the sewing schools his church uses for outreach. I talked about Tabatha the sewer and how God brought her back to life to show that Jesus is the only God and He loves us. I was able to present the gospel very clearly to them. Fourteen Hindu girls were there, between the ages of 16 to 20. Most had one, two or even three children. Their husbands were chosen for them. Some have good men, many do not. They grew up in fear and darkness, not having been taught about Jesus, and as women they have little value. Nope, no problems here!
In the afternoon we had an unscheduled pastors’ conference for men in Hyderabad, who had heard me before and wanted to get together with me. I spent the afternoon leading a workshop about how to study the Bible and develop a sermon. I was greatly encouraged by these familiar men who minister in the city that had the most pastors killed of any place in India last year. Absolutely no problems at all!
In the early evening we went to visit some of the slum churches they lead. Words can’t describe the total, abject poverty these people live in with no hope of ever having better. It’s amazing people can survive like that, but they do, and the Christians have a smile and joy unseen among many others. No, I definitely do not have any problems, none at all! Do you?
When you get focused on your problems think about telling them to the orphan children, or the lepers, or the Hyderabad pastors or even the slum Christians here. That should help keep things in perspective. For a few minutes, at least, you won’t have any problems!
Philippians 4:11-13 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Write yourself a note and put it somewhere you’ll see it often today that says “I have no problems today.” When you start to dwell on your difficulties remember these Christians in India.
We are out of Spiritual Warfare books, too, now so pray we would be able to get another printing soon.
We have a LONG drive tomorrow. Pray it goes safely and quickly.
Pray I would begin to sleep all night. Pray we will have energy for each day (today was our day off).
Pray God would continue to bless us and the work here as richly as He has been doing.