Preoccupation with Spiritual Warfare

One problem I notice in some people I counsel about spiritual warfare is that they become preoccupied with the enemy and their battle with him.  It’s all they think about.  I know we must be alert to enemy attacks and work against us, but it is Jesus we must think about and concentrate on only Him.  If the enemy can get us so focused on our battles with him that we lose sight of Jesus, he wins.  Satan and demons want to be worshiped, they want to be recognized and feared.  When we dread them, we give them what they want.  Fear is like worship for then we see them as in control over our life and not God.  Unfortunately, we often give them more credit than they are due.

Preoccupation with spiritual warfare and demons is wrong.  Yet it can be a temptation, especially for those just learning about this for the first time.  Spiritual warfare is an excellent tool when it is needed, but it isn’t to be our only tool, nor our main tool.  A carpenter needs many tools to do his work, no one will do it all.  A saw is very important when it is needed.  A hammer or screw driver will not do the same job.  But a saw is not good at hammering or screwing a bolt.  The same is true of farmers and doctors.  It is true of Christians as well.  We need to understand and become skillful at spiritual warfare, but we need to develop our use of our other disciplines as well.  We need balance.  Prayer, worship, Bible study and memorization, fasting, fellowship with other Christians and serving others are all important skills to develop.  These help us keep our eyes on Jesus.  Spiritual warfare should help us focus on Jesus, but all too often our attention is more about Satan and demons, not Jesus.  We need to focus on our Savior, not our enemy. 

Do you remember when Peter walked on water (Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52; John 6:16-21)?  He kept his eyes on Jesus and did fine. But then he looked at the waves around him and started sinking. So, he called to Jesus and looked to Jesus again and Jesus restored him.  The storm didn’t stop, the water was still there, but He looked to Jesus and was safe.  That is what we must do as well.  Don’t focus on the problems or attacks but look at Jesus.  Spend time reading the Bible and thinking about what you read.  The book of Philippians is a good book to read to help keep your eyes on Jesus.  So is John.  Look for promises He makes to you and keep your eyes on Him.  (September 5, 2022  Doylestown, PA)

Matthew 14:29-31 Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Ask God to show you if you are giving too much attention and focus to Satan and demons.  Do you fear them and what they can do, or do you trust in Jesus?  Ask God to help you have a healthy balance in these things.


Christian Training Organization

 (India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2024