Should You Minister Deliverance to Others?


Someone wrote to me and asked how I knew when I was ready to begin ministering deliverance to others who were battling with demons.  They want to, but aren’t sure if they are ready.  The question made me think.  Here’s what I wrote:

The first time I prayed for deliverance for someone who was demonized I was not ready. I did not know nearly enough about God’s Word in this area. But God brought someone into my life that needed help and needed it right then. Either I talked and prayed with him, or the demons stayed in control. So, I gave it my best shot and God did the rest.  He used it to bring freedom to that person.  As I look back, there was something good about not knowing what I was doing but having to totally, 100% depend on God to do it all.  I think that’s just what He wanted!

That was well over 40 years ago.  I’ve talked and prayed with many people since.  But still, I never feel “ready”. Even now. How can I possible be ready to take on Satan and his demons? I know it is God doing it through me.  I am the channel.  He does the work.

I’ve always struggled with fear.  I see that sin everywhere in my lien of ancestors.  But God has kept me from having a fear of Satan and demons.  He infuses me with a holy anger, a righteous indignation against these evil beings that bring so much harm to others.  He gives me complete assurance that I am safe in Him, and that is always the case.  I cannot let them put fear in me. That is the big key for me.  It’s not about me, it’s about the person I am helping.  It’s about God verses Satan.  I’m just an instrument of God.

Do I always know what to say or do?  No!  But God puts the right questions, the accurate  Scriptures, the correct insight and the exact words to pray just when I need them.  It’s not my work, it’s His work done through me.  Perhaps that is all part of the spiritual gifting God has given me to do this work.  Never the less, if He puts it in your heart to counsel someone about spiritual warfare and pray for their deliverance, He will give you with wisdom, insight, courage and words you will need.  You are the channel, not the source.

God used a donkey to speak to Balaam and a little girl to guide Naaman to Elisha.  He will certainly speak and work through you if you let Him.  He doesn’t need your ability, but He does need your availability.  Just be open and available for whatever God wants you to do. Then just do your best step by step, in prayer.  If you find God leading you into this type of ministry, I’d be glad to help mentor you along the way.  Just email me.

Deuteronomy 31:6; Joshua 1:6  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Has God given you the privilege of sharing the freedom that He alone brings with someone in bondage?  Have you prayed for that person or followed up with them?  Why not do so today.

Are you willing to let God use you in minister deliverance to someone in bondage?  Tell Him you are, and be alert to the opportunity when it comes.  9Feel free to write me with any questions you may have.)


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2024