Spiritual Warfare in India

(Every year I spend 3 to 5 weeks in India leading pastors’ conferences and ministering to people and churches.  I teach about spiritual warfare, which is very real in India, as this blog shows. Prayers for my ministry there would be greatly appreciated.  For more information see India.ChristianTrainingOnline.org)  Spiritual Warfare in India 4

Yesterday we had a very interesting visit with a distinguished Indian gentlemen named M. David.  He ministers to Christian families through seminars, counseling and retreats.  Since that is dear to my heart we had a good talk about it.  I asked him what were the biggest problems Indian Christian families faced.  He said first it is men who feel their wives are inferior human beings and treat them that way.  Next is husbands who are too busy and don’t give their wives and families enough time.  Third he said was a lack of Biblical teaching about marriage and the family.  As long as the man makes enough money to pay the bills that is all he needs to do.  Sounds familiar…

Since he and his wife are also involved in a deliverance ministry (spiritual warfare) we also talked about that in detail.  We talked about the bindi dot Indian women wear and how now some Christian women from Hindi backgrounds keep wearing it as a social custom and to not offend family.  I told them I heard it was an entrance point for demons and they heartedly agreed.  It began as a way of showing worship to Shiva, a female goddess who was to bless and prosper them as wives.  They told of one Hindu woman who became a believer, was convicted and stopped wearing the dot.  She was demonized by ancestral demons that went back 8 generations but they prayed for her and she was freed.  A few years later she was going to a special family event, a wedding I think, and she put the dot on.  She said she immediately felt the demon return.  When she returned for prayer and they prayed to find out why the demon returned they were told, “She put my sign on her forehead.”  He was cast out and she never wore the dot again.

These people do a lot of ministry among the very poor Dahlits and others.  They try to provide clothing and other things to help them but it is a very difficult, frustrating ministry.  They gave a bed pad and new clothing to one very appreciative woman who told them the next day that it had all burnt during the night.  When they prayed and asked God why all these things would be destroyed He told them that without Jesus nothing would help thee people.  God showed them how a strong demon of poverty is in control of all of them here in India and his purpose is to keep them in poverty.  Only Jesus can set them free.  How ironic, I thought, that the demon of materialism has America in bondage while the demon of poverty has India in bondage.  Opposites, but not really.  Bondage is bondage, whatever form it comes in!  Only Jesus sets us free.  One of the young girls I prayed for in the village church on Sunday was demonized.  The demon would put her in a trance and have her go places and do things during the night which she wasn’t aware of.  As you can easily guess, demons are very active and strong here.  They don’t try to camouflage themselves as they do here. (Tuesday, Oct 27, 2009) 

1 John 4:4   You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

Are you aware of when and how you are most attacked spiritually?  Where are you most susceptible to defeat?  What should you do now to get ready for today’s battles?


(If I can answer questions or offer personal counsel, or if you would like a free copy of my Spiritual Warfare Handbook, email me at Jerry@ChristianTrainingOrganization.org or download it from http://sw.christiantrainingonline.org/.  My next book, Spiritual Warfare in the Bible, which is a more advanced treatment of spiritual warfare, is also available for free.)

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