We finished our ministry in this part of India yesterday.  Today we go south.  It’s gone quickly and slowly.  I’m glad its over and I’m sad its over.  It was very hard but very wonderful.  I am very tired but also very invigorated.  I am tired of India but don’t want to leave it.  About this time I always think of Paul’s words about being “poured out like a drink offering” (Philippians 2:17;2 Timothy 4:7).  

Was it successful?  Only God can truly define and measure success, but I feel very, very good about how things went and what has been accomplished.  It is far beyond what I expected before coming here.  We held 19 days of conferences (7 2-day and 5 one day) with 1300 pastors and wives in attendance (1033 pastors, 267 wives).  This is my 8th trip since 2006.  In that time we’ve held 110 days of pastors’ conferences for 4325 pastors and 1245 wives.  I’ve given 610 messages, we printed 29,000 Bibles and I’ve traveled about 12,200 miles.  I’ve spoken 150 times to church gatherings.  So is that successful?  Only if its what God wanted us to do.  

Success is measured in terms of faithfulness (1 Corinthians 4:2), not statistics and results.  I would be pleased indeed if God was able to say I have been faithful in the stewardship of what He has given us to do.  Knowing His patience, grace and mercy, I feel He would say so.  I do know we try our best to be faithful.

So now its on to something I’ve never done here before: a week of seminary classes in Bangalore, in English, with Power Point and handouts!  It’ll stretch me in new and different ways, but that’s OK if that’s what God has in store.  Life is to be invested, not stored away.  After all, it does have an expiration date so use it well while you have it!

1 Corinthians 4:2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful

So what about YOUR life?  Is it successful in God’s sight?  If you’re reading this then your life hasn’t expired yet, so use what’s left to successfully (“faithfully”) serve Him!


Dear Pastor Jerry,Greetings to you in the Name of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth.  I am XXXXXXXXX, writing this letter from India. It’s my immense pleasure and considered as a great privilege to be a part of pastor’sconference that was held in xxxxxxx, Andhra Pradesh. Personally I am blessed to listen from you and from Mr. Alon on 21.Jan.2015 & 22.Jan.2015. The topics you shared during those days were really touched my heart and empowered me to continue to do GOD’s ministry.  Thank You for proving that JESUS’ Name is above all. I strongly believe that the Name of JESUS is strong and mighty tower. I thank GOD for giving you vision and passion for the lost souls in India. Really we need teachers like you who can teach us Bible in a systematic way using simple methods. I have read the books you gifted me, they were awesome and believed that the Holy Spirit led you to write them for the expansion of HIS Kingdome. I wish the conference would have been extended for another 3 days, but understood it’s time for you to carry the Word of GOD to other places also. Thank you again sir. We love you and your family.  We assure you that we are praying for you and ministry. Please Visit us again.In HIS Service……..

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