The Battle for Our Minds: Our Thoughts
Thoughts we don’t have captive (aren’t in control of) fall into two categories: compulsions and obsessions. A compulsion is a force that causes us to act against our inclinations. …
Thoughts we don’t have captive (aren’t in control of) fall into two categories: compulsions and obsessions. A compulsion is a force that causes us to act against our inclinations. …
The majority of demonizing consists of demons putting thoughts into a person’s mind or snatching thoughts out of a person’s mind. While they don’t have access to our minds …
The Greek word doimonizomai (“demonizing”) refers to one who is heavily impacted by demons. It is used 15 times in the New Testament. It does not differentiate between possession …
The most common avenue to demonic entrance is through a family line. One person opens themselves to demonic influence and the demons claim them and all they have, including children. …
CREATION When Satan rebelled and decided to oppose God instead of serving God, about a third of the angels joined him (Revelation 12:4). They, too, were case out of heaven …
The truth about Satan is that he was created as an angel. He was the top ranking of all God’s angels, the highest created being God ever made (Ezekiel …
We have been talking about spiritual warfare. We fight on the side of God. GOD IS OUR COMMANDER. Everything starts with God. Everything came from Him. God is our …
There are those today who say Christians aren’t to get involved in spiritual warfare, but instead we are to just trust God and think only of Him. While God is …
One day a young man was out for a walk. As he went along the street he saw a sign that invited him to sign up to see the …