By Rev. Dr. Jerry Schmoyer
Every once in awhile a DECISION has to be made which affects the whole course of history:
-Adam & Eve eating forbidden fruit
-Moses’ decision to leave Egypt for Israel
-Columbus’ decision to search for a new world
2,000 yrs ago nation Israel found self at such a turning- point decision
-biggest turning point in history since Eden
-so important recorded in all 4 gospels (very rare!)
(birth of Jesus only in 2)
My name is JOSES
I’m from Alexandria, Egypt
I was able to come to Jerusalem for Passover
April 3, 33 AD (Friday) that year
Came early to do business
see relatives haven’t seen lately
make some business contacts with others who came
and, quite frankly, very curious about Jesus
if what others said were true = Messiah!
I was always interested in religious matters
always looking for spiritual reality
believed in Judaism with all my heart,
but something missing
empty spot in my soul not filled
hole in my heart outer Judaism didn’t meet
JESUS met that need completely!!!
I picked the right time to come to Jerusalem
-the best of times & the worst of times!
I’d like to tell you what happened during those few days:
I guess you know how Jesus’ been preaching for 3+ years
some believed, followed Him
majority, esp rel rulers, rejected Him
worse yet, wanted to have Him killed
-jealous of popularity
-said critical things of them (pride)
-didn’t want to hear @ submit to God
Time for Passover grew nearer and people arrived
Jeru from 100,000 to 1 million!
-Jews living outside the land who return
Everyone wondering if Jesus would come
-all males required to come, Jesus always did
-orders out that if anyone saw Jesus must report it
He’d be arrested
I had heard He was in the vicinity – BETHANY
talk @ bringing someone back to life!
Then had left the area
REALLY had everyone talking!
NOT that many believed or open (like me)
BUT people bored, looking for excitement
find something to talk about, distract from dullness
Jesus was certainly the distraction this Passover!
Word filtered around among those who believed that He had arrived back in Bethany
I was part of that group
Saturday evening word spread @ Jesus in Bethany
It seems Lazarus (you know him?)
gave a special dinner for Jesus
When done Mary entered room with men
poured a fortune’s worth of perfume on Jesus’ feet
washed and wiped them with her hair
strange – like getting His body ready for burial
but, you know, never can tell what woman do!
Why get Him ready for burial ???
JUDAS spoke up first
complaining about the waste of money
soon had other disciples agreeing with him
-very persuasive, very personable
leader because excellent person
said $ should have been given to him (treasurer)
to give to the poor
JESUS actually defended her!
Said she was doing the right thing anointing for burial
Talk about strange – no one seemed to understand it
It gave us something to talk about
Confirmed that Jesus was nearby
but would He dare enter Jerusalem?
That was the biggest topic of debate!
Sunday I joined a steady stream of Jews walking to Bethany
couldn’t travel that far on Sabbath
We met Lazarus and talked to him
what a testimony! Dead 3 days and alive again!
I then named myself among Jesus followers
unless something drastic happened to change my mind
I believed He = Messiah/God
Many other believed because of Lazarus, too
When we got back to Jerusalem heard from servant of high priest that they were planning to kill Lazarus as well as Jesus — to many people turning to Jesus!
CROWDS in Jerusalem wondering:
“Will Jesus of Nazareth come here to Passover?”
+always has, wrong to pass up opportunity
-rel rulers say will kill Him & followers
(last time in town tried to stone him)
-curious, look for entertainment, action
-seeking, want to know more
-saved, want to learn/worship
as it turned out in God’s timing it was FINAL EXAM TIME
for 3+ years Jesus teaching, preaching, now test!
INDIVIDUALS all made up mind @ Him + –
NATION as a whole now must decide
Jesus force them to decide, commit
how force them to commit + – ?
full-life audio visual display
You won’t believe what happened next!
Here, let me read it to you
written by MATTHEW, who was there, too
Matt 21:1-7 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.” This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: “Say to the Daughter of Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.'” The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them.
LOCATION: started from Bethany, far side of Mt of Olives
JOHN & PETER get unrid donkey, ride it into town
DONKEY: Why not walk into town as done dozens of times?
Fulfill prophecy = Messiah!
Donkey: peace, meek, gentle
Horse: warfare, assertive
Jesus = Prince of Peace
could have asked for span of beautiful horses, chariot
or have angels carry Him into town
Unridden donkey: how new king entered Jerusalem
prophesied of Messiah!
before: “Don’t tell anyone”
now: the time has come!
Revealing Himself as KING
Ps 24:7-10 Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty– he is the King of glory. Selah
SALESMAN presents product, critical moment is when challenge person to buy or not, force to decide & commit self
Jesus doing that!
Daniel 9:24-27 foretold to the day
fulfilled to the day – “Messiah cut off”
donkeys, even unridden ones, gentle & easy to ride
sat astride (not side saddle like feminine pictures)
Jesus very masculine:
carpenter (house builder)
walked everywhere
slept on ground most nights
Jesus riding to victory – our victory (His death)
people follow, praising & acclaiming Jesus KING
Peter out in front, day he’s been waiting for!
MARK was there, too
He describes what happened in his gospel:
Mark 11:7-10 When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest!”
thinking, talking, wondering if Jesus is coming
word gets to Jeru He’s coming with Lazarus
large group rush out to meet Him on the way
courageous move, knowing rel rulers opposed
thoughts of 1st Passover, deliverance from E – now think of del from Rome
both groups meet on far side of Mt of Olives
1. BY COATS: disc put some on donkey for saddle
custom: costly rugs put out before feet of kings (coats
children pick them up after donkey passes, run to front, put down again
2. BY BRANCHES: waved leaves & branches cut from field
3. BY PALMS: cut off nearby trees to wave
associated with Messiah coming to lead people
(on a donkey, from Mt of Olives, palm branch)
palm = symbol of victory
people want victory over Rome
(just like wanted free food earlier)
Jesus doing just that – sin is enemy (not Rome)
recognize Jesus as KING
4. BY VOICES – all praising in loud voices
disciples emotionally HIGH (soon will be depressed)
“HOSANNA” = “save us now”
“HALLELUJAH” = “Praise the Lord”
quote Psalm 118:25-26 – sung about Messiah
PASSOVER: 1st coming (cross)
TABERNACLES: 2nd coming (crown)
Jesus presenting self at Passover to be lamb slain for sin
People forget its Passover, act like Tabernacles
want Messiah to rule, defeat Rome
error: missed 1st coming
JOHN was right there with Jesus the whole time
this is the way he described it:
MAJORITY in group patriotic, excitable Jews
-or wouldn’t have impulsively come out of Jeru
MINORITY true believers, but wrongly influenced by maj
DISCIPLES caught up in it all
MARY perhaps only one who knew it was different
JUDAS – what was he thinking?
Overlook hatred of Jesus to have power?
Regretting deal with rel rulers to turn Jesus in?
Naturally something like this wouldn’t happen without rel rulers knowing and being involved – they were right there, too
MARY was near where they were and heard it all
she later told Luke, who wrote it down
RELIGIOUS RULERS came out as group, following others
now catch up to main body just on other side of hill
couldn’t arrest Jesus in that crowd of supporters!
KNEW He was proclaiming self Messiah
spiritually blind – miss real significance
MILDER group – wait-and-see policy
RADICAL group – delay no good, attack ASAP
“Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”
Tell them they’re wrong
Say this Messiah thing is a mistake
JESUS: “I tell you, if these become quiet, the stones will cry out.”
Agreed with what was happening
Personally planned this mass demonstration
Knows this public display will force rel rul to act
Voluntarily coming to town to turn self in
for sins of the world
as head over top of Mt of Olives and see Jerusalem
CRIED loud, long, uncontrolled sobbing
Jews wanted peace, but rejected Prince of Peace
only war & destruction coming to Jerusalem
Jesus looking ahead to AD 70
NOW Jeru looked beautiful, peaceful
SOON destroyed — Jesus saw that
Crying for Jews/Jerusalem, not for self!
(Cry about that later in Gethsemaene)
PEOPLE high, shouting @ Messiah & kingdom, excited
JESUS should have been happiest day, but crying out loud!
But TEARFUL entry
anointed for burial by Mary
going to death in Jerusalem
quenched enthusiasm of followers
showed He wasn’t going to be the Messiah-King
confused them about why He was on donkey
many slipped away from group so not caught
Jesus continued into temple, forcing final decision
Just like that it was over!
It seemed it had hardly started and it was over!
And what a strange ending!
It was like there was some unspoken agreement among everyone to act like nothing happened!
Just go back to business as usual & forget whole thing
Pretend like Someone didn’t just proclaim Himself Messiah
after 3 years of teaching and miracles!!!!!
LARGE CROWD in temple when heard Jesus coming
curious, interested, nosy
NOT accept Him as Messiah-King
“Who is this?” – who does He think He is?
“This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” – man, not Messiah-King
People entering town with Jesus: snuck off – NO
People waiting in temple “Who?” – NO
Religious rulers – NO
REJECTED: very day Daniel said He’d be rejected
Mar 30, 33 AD
(at this very time, a few feet away, priests selecting & setting apart Passover Lamb doomed to die for nation at 3 PM, Friday, Apr. 3, AD 33 – same moment Jesus died)
JESUS NOT SURPRISED: knew this coming
continued to heal, teach, etc –
NATION voted NO, too late for nation Israel
INDIVIDUALS could still vote YES for own souls
JESUS LEAVES at end of day
like SHEKINAH glory leaving temple same way/reason
back to Bethany, retrace steps over tearful entry
palm branches, etc., lying in moonlight
Nobody said much — what was there to say?
Were we wrong abut Him being the Messiah?
Certainly HE thought He was
But it didn’t look like the nation was buying that
in fact it didn’t look good for Him,
what with a price tag on His head and all ..
Maybe that lady who started getting Him ready for burial wasn’t as far off as we first thought!
Oh, well — tomorrow was another day
we’d see what developed then …
would He leave the area or return?
Day got even stranger!
I was hanging around the temple – only place in town to go!
News, teaching, business, etc all there
All of us from out of town went there, see what could buy
like having a shopping mall in church balcony!
Heard this big commotion and we went to see
someone chasing all money-changers out!
-Illegal, cheats, no one liked them, stuck with them
-this was their busiest time of the year!
turns out it was JESUS doing it!
Someone told me He had done this before, too!
He was definitely not becoming any more popular!
Certainly no way to make friends & influence people!
It was as if this brought up some strong emotions in Him
We could tell He was upset!
If BEFORE was turning point for nation
Then THIS was a turning point for Him!
“Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!”
You’ll never believe what happened next!
A voice from heaven said:
“I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.”
Then Jesus said He was going to be “lifted up”
which everyone knew meant CRUCIFIED
But we knew that that couldn’t possibly happen!
FOLLOW JESUS – had been saying this all along!
Matt 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
It really gave us something to think about!
I wanted to follow Him
But so many strange things were happening
-claiming to be Messiah, then dropping it
-crying over the city
-cursing a fig tree
-picking this time to clean out the temple!
-telling everyone He’s to be crucified
but He still wants us to follow Him!
Anyway, at the end of the day He went back to Bethany
we were more confused than ever!
This turned out to be a very big, active day!
We saw Jesus and disciples enter temple
start preaching & teaching
before got far interrupted by rel rulers
out in force, like they had a plan
They challenged His authority to teach Jews
Said it came from God
He challenged them to repent
told parables showing their need to repent
judgment if they didn’t
What a conversation!
REL RULERS attacked Him
HE parried their thrusts, disarmed them
HE went on offensive, tore them to threads!
Took most of the morning, just went on and on and on!
Everyone drained, scattered – hungry, chores to do, etc
From there Jesus slipped into Court of the Women
I followed along, too enthralled in all to leave
stood there watching people come & go
some gave tithes & offerings – showy way
one poor woman gave 1/2 penny (lowest allowed)
Jesus pointed her out, impressed
NOT by what she gave – everything
BUT by what she kept – nothing!
Motive of love behind it
really refreshing to Jesus after morning’s activities
good to see some NOT hypocrites!
Then Jesus left the temple, went toward MT OF OLIVES
Jesus pointed at Herod’s massive stones (tons, 20’ long)
“Not one stone here will be left on another, every one will be thrown down.”
Proceeded to MT OF OLIVES, sat in cool Gethsemane
-where rich had gardens to escape heat of city
-friend had given us his key to use when needed
Disciples had been wondering about words @ stones overthrown – that would mean end of nation Israel!
Finally got up courage to ask Him WHEN it would be
and HOW THEY WOULD KNOW when it would be
Now usually Jesus just gave short answers
all we could grasp and remember anyway
This time went into very long dissertation, almost an hour
-SIGNS of what would be going on when He returned
-IMPORTANCE of being ready!
Seems each person in future would have to
make own decision, too @ follow Jesus or not
you should read it some time
MATTHEW summarized it all in chapters 24-25
what a morning! – day only half over!
What more would happen that day?
Back to the temple to teach & preach
this time rel rulers left Him alone
nothing they could do
– always lost ground when challenged Him
Told us again He was going to be crucified at the Passover
but that couldn’t be – that was just 2 days away
and besides only Romans crucified (Jews stoned)
why would Romans wan to crucify Him?
It just didn’t make any sense…
Rumors spread that rel rulers not present because meeting
All agreed Jesus must be put out of circulation
What He said was too damaging to their power
but would have to wait until after Passover
easier to do when just locals around
locals under their thumb much better!
When I put all the pieces together afterwards
I realized it must have been right about this time that Judas
made His offer to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
WHY? No one still knows for sure
-perhaps Jesus’ taking Mary’s side after anointing Him embarrassed him, hit his pride
-then, too, all this talk about Jesus dying and no kingdom hard to take if you gave up
everything to follow Jesus
-now nothing to show for it
-30 pieces of silver was something (ironically the price of a slave)
But that changed everything
because not Judas was calling the shots
HE’D be the one to pick the best time to do it!
That night I didn’t sleep very well
this was more than I had bargained for!
I just wanted a simple, strong Messiah
things were definitely too confusing
It must have been even harder on Jesus, though
I heard He was staying in Gethsemane these nights
not going back to Bethany any more
-Did He want to spare His friends from retribution?
-Did He want to be closer to Jerusalem, shorter trip?
-Did He need privacy, time alone to pray & think?
Just by walking around town and the temple Thursday it was
obvious public opinion was not for Jesus
they liked what He said/did to rel rulers
but demanded too much of them-give up everything to put Him first!
Military Messiah to drive out Rome = accepted in a minute
Suffering Servant (Isaiah) = didn’t fit into their plans
still, we remembered other prophecies from Isaiah
@ how Messiah would be rejected by the people
Still Jesus preached & taught, calling for commitment
maybe one or two undecided or swaying
probably many like me, wanted to believe but not easy!
Things settled down all over town – Passover near
THAT was why we were there
took precedent over all gossip & intrigue!
HIGHLIGHT of the year (NY, Christmas, Thanks, etc)
US FROM GALILEE – Passover that night
REST OF THE PEOPLE – Passover tomorrow night
Disciples got ready to have Passover with Jesus that night
I went to my relatives, where staying, start cleaning prep.
I’d have to check in a day or two to see what happened
Probably nothing, I didn’t think I’d miss anything
Everyone, even rel rulers, busy with Passover
‘Truce’ to all this, pick it up later
A shame, I’d have to leave in a couple days
Might not ever find out how it turned out!
I put it out of my mind as I rejoined my relatives
still, all that about Him claiming to be Messiah KING
couldn’t stop thinking about that
CONCLUSION (just read verses in closing, then pray) king to me, king to you, too???
Matt 2:2 The Magi asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
John 1:49 Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
Matt 21:5 “Say to the Daughter of Zion, `See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.'”
John 12:13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!”
Matt 27:11 Meanwhile Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” “Yes, it is as you say,” Jesus replied.
Matt 27:29 They twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said.
1 Tim 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Zech 14:9 The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.
Rev 15:3 They sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb: “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages.
Rev 17:14 They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings– and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”
Rev 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.