Every spring we plant marigold seeds outside our house. They are from the dried flowers I get off of last year’s marigolds. Because we don’t have a yard, we plant them in pots. They don’t need a lot of maintenance, but they do need regular water or they will quickly shrivel and die. Every day I must water them. It’s a reminder of the importance of God’s people being watered by His Word every day (Ephesians 5:26).
What really impresses me about these plants, though, is that no matter how little nourishment the plants have they make sure the flowers stay strong and healthy. Even as fall comes and they start to die, the flowers stay upright and bright. It’s obvious the plants exist for the flowers, that is their whole purpose of living. The flowers hold the key to the future of the species, for they hold the seeds for the next generation of plants. The plant literally gives up its life in order to assure future plants will grow. The flowers also bring beauty and joy, but their main purpose is to reproduce.
Oh that we were as serious about reproducing as my marigolds! May God use us to show His beauty and glory to the world, but may we never lose sight of the importance of propagating our faith so there are future generations to follow. And that isn’t just the responsibility of young plants, the older my marigolds get the more intent they seem to be on spreading their seeds for a future crop of plants. May we be committed to do the same! (November 14, 2016 Doylestown, PA)
2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
John 1:41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ).
What lessons is God teaching you from my marigolds?
Have you lost your hunger for souls, your desire to spread the Word wherever you can?
What can you do to ‘jump start’ your desire to share the gospel with others?
INDIA UPDATE: Pastor Moses is traveling to the places we will be having our conferences making final arrangements and inviting pastors to come. We wouldn’t be able to do this without the help of about 25 or 30 pastors who work with us. We help support them with monthly gifts of $25, which greatly increases their average income of about $25. This helps these men use their leadership and church planting gifts so more churches can be started and pastors trained. Thanks to you who contribute $25 a month for this most important part of our work!
PRAY FOR Pastor Moses and these pastors whom we support. For obvious reasons we keep their names and locations private. I wish I could tell you about them, but God knows who they are so pray for them and God will know who you are talking about. Pray for courage, encouragement, wisdom, faithfulness, purity and protection. Pray they would be good husbands, fathers and pastors.
Jerry Schmoyer
Christian Training Organization