(Monday, Jan 21, 2013) Todays blog is from Pastor Moses, the man I’ve been ministering with here since 2007. I asked him to say something for you. Here it is:
“I would like to come and see all of you who are praying and supporting us in India. I want to thank you for your prayers and support for the pastors here in India. I would like to talk to you and tell you about our ministry in India with Pastor Jerry. We want to support more pastors here who are doing a very good ministry. We are thankful to all the donors who are supporting the pastors here. The pastors all say, “Thank you very much for supporting us.”
“The pastors and their wives have been blessed by the marriage conferences about how to live together with each other and the Lord. Having a book will bless them and help them teach this to their church members.
“The pastors who are coming to the conferences are very much blessed. They don’t know how to treat their wives before but now they know and are very grateful. They wives are greatly blessed as well. They are blessed by the spiritual warfare teaching and the teaching about spiritual growth. They want to live as God expects them as pastors and husbands.
“Through the Leadership Conference many of the leaders come to be trained, like Paul, so they can train disciples like Paul trained Timothy and Jesus trained His disciples. There are 5 leaders who want to make more Timothy’s in their churches and plant many new churches.
“I am appreciative especially to Main Street Baptist Church for the car. With it I can go places much better and get a lot more ministry accomplished. Thank you very much.
“I have a desire to go to Uganda, Africa, where I have been invited to come and teach pastors. I want to teach the pastors about spiritual warfare and What God Expects of Pastors. I will use the books that Pastor Jerry wrote and give them out to pastors there. The books are very helpful to the pastors who are ministering to the people who are suffering. The pastors who read the books are blessed. They are using them for their own spiritual growth and they are also teaching them in the churches. We would like to have the next spiritual warfare book, from Genesis to Revelation, so we can give that to the pastors as well. We would like a book on marriage, about how we can live together, as well.”
P. Karunakar Moses, Hyderabad, India
What a blessing and privilege to be used by God in such a special way. And to have the messages and books we use here now be used to teach pastors in Uganda is a real blessing. Books will be left there to spread as well. Since English is one of their national languages the English copies of the books will be great. During the past year several other pastors in various parts of the world have asked if they can use my books, especially the spiritual warfare one, for training pastors or seminary students. Praise God for that!
Philippians 1:3-6 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Thank God for the privilege of partnering with these fine Christians here in India. Let their devotion and commitment bring joy to you as it does to me. And remember God’s promise that HE will carry it on to completion. Thank Him for that as well. Make your prayer a time a time of thankfulness to God as Paul says in this passage.