A Personal Update


As 2021 winds down, I thought I’d give you an update on my life (this blog) and an evaluation of  CTO’s India ministry (Dec 3 by me, Dec 10 by Pastor Moses).  First, I want to start by expressing my sincere, heartfelt thanks to all of you for your faithful prayers, giving and support for CTO.  Words can’t express how appreciative I am as are the pastors in India.

I’ve been retired 5 ½ years now.  I feel like an old soldier who has been moved back from the front battle lines.  While my health is good for my age (75), I know I wouldn’t have the energy or focus to do what I did while pastoring.  I’m no longer on the front lines, but I’ve not been sent home (to heaven) from the war, either.  There’s still a lot I can do for the Kingdom using my time and experience.

My first duty starts at home with my wife, Nancy.  I’m still learning how to be the husband she needs and God wants me to be.  Hopefully I’m making progress.  God has given us a very close, loving relationship.  We are both amazed at the deep, growing oneness we experience.  We enjoy each other more than ever and look forward to many years together.   I thank God daily for the godly woman with whom He has blessed me.

We spend much time with our 6 children and 22 grandchildren.  I’ve been able to help home school most of them at one time or another.  I mainly teach the Bible and history on line or in person.  I love it!

While I’m not on the front lines, I’m seldom far from them.  I help support and reinforce other pastors in various ways.  Through CTO, which is now in its 8th year, I mentor and teach pastors in India and elsewhere (more about that in the next blog).  I am involved in a local church teaching, counseling and mentoring on line and in person.  I write 3 blogs a week: India Update, Spiritual Warfare and one for Pastors and Church Leaders.   I led a men’s retreat in 2021 and have been leading a marriage retreat for 20+ years.  I write books and articles to help pastors and Christians grow in their faith.

Sometimes I get to take a trip to the front lines and minister by preaching, spiritual warfare counseling or mentoring pastors.  I thank God for still using me in these ways and giving me the privilege of serving Him in any way I can.

What about you?  If you are still on the front lines, stay faithful.  Soon you will look back on it. Now is the time to make sure you don’t have regrets.  If, like me, you’ve slowed down because of your age or health, still do what you can.  Use your gifts, your time, your money and your experience the best you can until our Great Commander sends you home.  As long as God keeps us alive, He has a work for us to do – that’s why we are still on earth.  Do you know the purpose He has for you in your current stage of life?  Are you fulfilling it?  Make sure you will be able to say with Paul:  “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing”  (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

PRAYER REQUESTS:  Thank God for His mercy, His love and His faithfulness to each one of us.  Thank Him for the awesome privilege we still have of serving Him while on this earth.  Please pray for me to have wisdom and guidance as I serve Him.  Pray I would be faithful in all I do. Ask Him to continue to bless me, my health, my ministry, my marriage and my family.  Thanks!!!


For more information about our 2022 MARRIAGE RETREAT March 11-13 at the Bird-In-Hand Inn in Lancaster, PA, go to https://www.christiantrainingonline.org/our-ministries/family/marriage-retreat/ or email me, jerry@schmoyer.net, and I’ll send you more information.  We’d love to have you  join us!

INDIA UPDATE & PRAYER REQUESTS:  Christmas celebration has not traditionally been part of Indian culture.  Recently, commercialism has spread the idea of gift-giving on December 25 throughout the world and many in India observe Christmas as a family festival.  Christians focus on the birth of Jesus but leave out the secular trimmings that have become part of Christmas to USA Christians.  They decorate their churches by putting a large, well-lit star on top of their church.  They have special worship services to honor Jesus’ coming to earth.  In secular India, Christmas is a minor holiday, but for Christians it is only surpassed by the celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection.


Christian Training Organization 



(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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Christian Training Organization
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(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2024