A Typical Day in India


            We wake up about 6:30, after sleeping 9 to11 hours. Our morning routine includes putting everything semi-valuable in locked suitcases.  American guests are rare in this hotel and we don’t want to tempt anyone.

            We bring everything we’ll need for the whole day: teaching materials, magic tricks, purified water, a large assortment of emergency medicines, lunch, etc.  Nancy makes peanut butter and jelly or brings tuna packs – whatever we don’t eat for lunch we have for supper, plus a pack of oatmeal.  It’s not as bad as it sounds – when you are hungry it tastes great!  Plus it is safe food.  We supplement with peel able fruit: oranges, bananas and boiled vegetables from the hotel restaurant. 

            We have a continental breakfast at the hotel about 7:30.  We have eggs, juice, fruit, boiled vegetables, sometimes yogurt, potatoes and bread (for our lunch).

             We drive with Moses 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours to the conference. While driving, I write blogs, organize my pictures and get them ready to use and even take a nap. The conference is scheduled to start at 9 AM.  We are some of the first to arrive at 10:30 but it actually starts between 11:30 and 12.  We are on India time.  The group starts small and by lunch we have our maximum number.  Sometimes attendance tapers after the meal. 

            Day #1, I speak about What God Expects of Pastors, Bible Overview (red thread of redemption through the Bible – my favorite session), and What God Expects of Churches.  If they request another session I include one on the Character of a Pastor.  Chai tea arrives sometime in the morning and lunch is anywhere from 1:30 to 2:15.  The meal is white rice, vegetable sauce and hard-boiled eggs.  Our conferences have a reputation for serving quality food, both physical and spiritual.

            Day #2 I dress up as Thomas and talk about his life and ministry, including his trips to India.  While I get change my clothes, Nancy shares her testimony, which everyone loves to hear.  She tells them about the “young pastor” she met and baptized her – then points to me.  Everyone cheers!

            My second session is a lively, practical session about how to study the Bible and prepare sermons.  There is lots of group involvement.  I also have a session on the roles of husbands and wives.  I explain that being a good husband is more important than being a good pastor and their wives must come first.  They have never heard this before. The women enjoy hearing how they should be loved and cared for. The last session covers Spiritual Warfare and closes with prayer for deliverance.  It’s a very powerful time!

            We finish the meeting with the pastors’ testimonies about what they learned, then a group picture. Travel money, a stack of 11 books I wrote are given to each person or couple. 

            We pile into the car exhausted, drive to the hotel, and get ready to do it all over again.  We arrive at the hotel about 6 or 7, wash hands, feet and sandals.  Nancy purifies about 8 liters of water for the next day.  I put the day’s lessons away and organize for the next day’s teaching and magic.  We eat, wash out clothes, answer a few emails and get right to sleep.  THANKS for your emails; they are very encouraging.   Sorry I can’t answer them.

            Sightseeing?  Oh, we see plenty of sights in India.  We don’t need to go out of our way see more!  (January 20, 2020  Vijayawada, India)

Psalm 118:24  This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

When is the last time you thanked God for your daily routine?  You may not like it, or find it boring, but living in America means it is better than most of the rest of the world.  Thank God for yours.

Christian Training Organization
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(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2024