Doing Church in a Covid World

            Covid-19 has changed our lives forever.  Life will never be exactly the same as it was before it hit.  That is true of the church as well.  While many people have not returned to church, and might never do so, overall I think the church has been purified and matured by Covid.  There may not be as many programs and activities, but the ones we now have are more focused on meeting basic spiritual needs.  Perhaps not as many attend, but the ones who do have purer motives and reasons. 

            Most of the churches that have been strong through Covid are those that focus on preaching and teaching the Bible.  Only God’s Truth will get us through hard times.  People want to hear from God during these changes in life, and pastors who preach the Word are helping them do so. God’s love and sovereignty are being focused on in a bigger way now.  People are being assured that God has not abandoned them and that He is working for their good during these times.

            In addition to feeding the sheep, faithful churches today are increasing their efforts to reach unbelievers with the gospel.  Evangelism efforts seem stronger and more focused today.  We are seeing more clearly the need of the gospel and are reminded that it is our only hope. 

            Churches that are most effective today are staying away from political involvement and arguing.  The focus is kept on Jesus and His work as the only solution.   They avoid taking sides but agree to disagree and not let differences about politics, vaccinations or other issues facing us causes division.  They keep the main thing the main thing.

            It’s good to see churches working together for the common good, helping and cooperating with each other.  Larger churches are helping smaller ministries.  Similar size churches in local neighborhoods are coordinating their efforts and supporting each other.  There is closer fellowship among pastors and Christians.   Competition is replaced with a common need.  And this is not just among Christians.  Churches are working with other groups in their communities for the common good.  This is a great opening for outreach into the community as well.

            Small groups in healthy churches today are a large reason for their success.  These provide fellowship, teaching and even outreach on a grass roots level.  Prayer groups are also developing and providing an important connection with God.  Prayer really does change things!

             Matthew 16:18 “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

How has Covid impacted your faith?  How are you different spiritually than in February 2020?  Think about this awhile before answering.  Ask a mate or close friend.

How had Covid impacted your church?  What good changes do you see happening?

What can you do to help your church grow at this time?


Christian Training Organization

 (India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2022

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025