Good Reasons to Leave a Church


In my last blog I talked about bad reasons to leave a church.  These include feeling you aren’t being fed, not knowing people or because a program you want isn’t offered.  But there are legitimate reasons to leave.  Leaving a church prematurely is wrong, but staying when you should leave is also wrong.  What are some of the good reasons to leave a church?

While leaving a Bible believing and preaching church because you don’t feel you are being fed isn’t always right, staying in a church that isn’t true to God’s Word is not right, either.  A church that doesn’t fully believe in the inspiration of Scripture, the deity of Jesus and salvation being only by Jesus’ work on the cross has turned from the truth.  Even churches that claim to believe these may allow heresy and untruths in.  They can be subtle and covered in fine-sounding words, but God’s Spirit will alert you to error.  If you sense that, talk to the leadership and do what you can to correct it before leaving.  Pray for the leaders and the church, even after you leave.  Don’t gossip about them but love the people and help those seeking truth.

While as Christians we are to be involved politically in the events in our community and country, the main purpose of the church is to focus on Jesus, not politics.  If politics, and one particular political view, seems to be the main emphasis, that church is not for you – even if you totally agree with what they believe.  A church that is more interested in advancing a political party’s agenda than in advancing God’s mission is not a church where you should stay.

Other legitimate reasons to look for a new church include if a church is located too far away to be involved, or if there is no opportunity for you to use your gifts to serve.  Fellowship and service are important parts of church involvement, not just Sunday morning attendance.  It is also important for you to use the spiritual gifts God has given you.  If you are in a church where there are literally no opportunities to serve (and this would be a very rare church indeed!), it might be a good reason to find a church where you can serve.

As long as we are in these sinful bodies there will be conflicts between people, even God’s people.  If you find yourself under a church leader with whom you just can’t get along no matter what you do, it might be time to look for another church.  Do all you can to resolve your issues in a godly way first.  Make sure the issue is major enough to make such a move, not just about music style or preaching topics.  Pray for resolution but if it doesn’t come perhaps you should quietly leave.  Don’t gossip or stir up issues and be careful what reason you give others about leaving.  Don’t lie, but people don’t need details either.

Sometimes God will move a person or family because what He wanted the church to accomplish in their lives has been completed or because the ministry He sent them to perform has been accomplished.  Make very sure it is God’ will for you to leave, but if you know in your spirit He is moving you then be grateful for the time there, explain why you are leaving to the church leadership and go without causing a disruption in the church.

Being part of a local Body of Christ is a great honor and privilege, but also a serious responsibility.  You are influencing fellow brothers and sisters in Christ while being influenced by them. You share the same God and Father and will spend eternity together in heaven.  Being in the church God wants you to be in is very important. (March 4, 2024  Doylestown, PA)

Romans 12:4–5  Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Think of some churches that have been instrumental in your growth in the past.  Pray and thank God for them.

Contact them or the people in them that were used to help you and thank them.  It will be very encouraging to them.


Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

Copyright © 2024

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025