I Won’t Get Any Sympathy From You

     I’ve been hearing about your cold weather there so I thought I’d tell you about the weather here – always in the 70’s or low 80’s.  It’s perfect Caribbean weather: no jacket needed but you never sweat.  I know I won’t get any sympathy for you over that.  Here is a list of other good things that I won’t get sympathy over:

-Fresh homemade Indian food daily-Beautiful women in beautiful sari’s everywhere

-Great Continental breakfasts in the hotel with an enormous selection of healthy, tasty foods

-Listening to believers sing and pray from their hearts to the Savior they love completely

-Giving 4 free books, which I had the privilege of writing, to pastors who are so grateful some almost some almost have tears in their eyes-Hearing pastors say this is the best pastor’s conference they have ever been to and will be come again soon (we don’t, we always go to new places and pastors)

-Receiving encouraging emails from so many of you-Quality time with Pastor Moses and Alan

-The inexpressible privilege of opening the truths of God’s Word to those with open minds and hungry hearts

-Picturesque  opportunities everywhere you look for someone who likes to take pictures

-The smiles and gratitude of the people who come and listen

-Hearing the laughs and applause every time I do a magic trick to reinforce a point I am making

-Being lifted up by the faithful prayers of all of you

-An abundance of tasty fresh fruits and juices

-Teaching about the Rapture, 2nd Coming and eternity day after day after day-Leading the whole group (150 today) in a spiritual warfare prayer at the end in which God frees them from demonic activities which have defeated them and crippled their churches

-Knowing I’ll see each of these new friends one day in heaven and we can talk together and share the things the Lord has done in our lives

     See, I told you that you wouldn’t feel sorry for me!  Hopefully you’ll want to join me next year.  Then your friends won’t have any sympathy for you, either!

Psalm 24:3-6 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?  Who may stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. 5 He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior. 6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob.

This was a good exercise for me after several blogs referring to the difficulties of doing something like this. It would be a good exercise for you, too, especially if you tend to look at the negative side of things or feel sorry for yourself.  In fact, send me the list you come up with and I promise to not give you any sympathy, either!

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