No Practice Runs in Life


While watching the 2018 Winter Olympics recently I saw a downhill skiing competition where the women didn’t have any practice runs.  Their first time on the course was the Olympic competition.  I thought about how much that is like life.  We don’t get practice tries at life.  It just unfolds before us.  We have to navigate each turn and bump as we face them for the first time, just like those skiers.  They must stay alert and looking ahead.  If they get off course they must quickly get back on.  Mistakes can’t be redone or changed, they just keep on skiing.  They gain confidence as they go but cannot let up, even when they are approaching the finish line and getting tired.  That’s when this American skier lost her concentration and a medal.  We can’t let up, either.  Sometimes later in life we try to coast a bit as fatigue sets in but we must keep going strong.

The American skier who went first was a favorite but several small errors kept her from medaling.  Those who came later had a distinct advantage because they could watch and learn from her and others who went before them.  They knew what to watch for, where some of the difficult parts were and what to do about them.  It is good for us to learn from those who have gone before us in life as well so we don’t make their same mistakes.  Still, it is our race to run and we only get one shot at life.  How are you doing in your race?

2 Timothy 4:7-8   I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Matthew 25:23  His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!

How has your Christian life been going?  Are you staying on course, looking ahead for dangers and learning from those who have gone before you?

And if you are getting closer to the end of your race, don’t let down your guard.  Don’t get weary or discouraged.  Your race will be over soon enough, and when it is over it is OVER!  You only get one shot at life – make it count for eternity.

Christian Training Organization
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