Training Pastors Through Books, CD’s and DVD’s


I have had time to upload pictures of my trip to my Facebook page (6) and the India website (65) You can find them at:


(Friday, Jan 18, 2013)  It is a great joy and blessing for me when I enter the home of a pastor or church member here and happen to see one of my books among their possessions.  Yesterday a pastor at the conference had a copy of my book on spiritual warfare, translated into Telugu, with him.  It clearly showed the signs off being read over and over, with many notes I couldn’t read inside.  Throughout the year I receive a constant stream of positive feedback about how the book and truths in it really make a difference as churches and Christians find freedom from the stronghold Satan has on them in this dark country.  The same is true of the book on what god expects of pastors.  They have spread the main teachings of the pastors conferences to literally thousands of people for thousands of copies have been carefully distributed throughout a wide area.  It was quite an initial expense to translate and print 5,000 each – about $15,000.  But it has been well worth it.  That was done 2 years ago and many copies remain to be distributed as needed.

Our newest venture in our India ministry is through audio and video  means. Last year the sessions were recorded in audio and video and with the help of those with much more technical ability than me we now have the 2 main session on what God expects of pastors and spiritual warfare on CD and DVD as well.  I brought some copies to India to distribute and we will be putting both on our India web site so pastors throughout the world can have free access to them.  This trip I am again making audio and video copies of my sessions with the hope of making more available and putting them on line.  Once the initial time is given to making a master copy the reproduction and distribution cost of CD’s and DVD’s is inexpensive and on line it is virtually free.

I see this as an important part of the future work of this ministry.  I will not always be able to do what I am now doing in India, but through this media any who know English or Telugu can watch and learn from conferences already done.  Eventually I would like to have a full library of topics I have taught available, but it will take time from those with technological ability to prepare my raw audio and video for production and use.  While not many of the pastors in the villages have the ability to watch or listen to these, more and more are advancing to the point where this will soon be a possibility.  Those with the necessary resources can have other believers and/or pastors join them in watching and learning.  Pray God would guide and lead in this ministry as He would have it develop.

As to future projects, there is a desire to have my second spiritual warfare book translated and printed for it builds on the first and gives more advanced help to those ministering in this work.  That would require more money than our India fund has, though, so it will have to wait until funds are available.  There also is a great need for a third book, that on marriage and raising children for Christians in India, for there is nothing Biblical available for them here. Many have asked for it.  I would enjoy such a challenge but again it depends on the funding.  When  God want us to go ahead with these things He will provide the finances.  Pray for the truth to spread  even without these means.

Ephesians 4:11-13  It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Thank God for the multiple resources He has made available for you to learn His word and share it in your culture. Pray for those less fortunate. Pray for wisdom and guidance for me to lead this ministry as God would have it led.

Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025