We Are Locked Down But Not Knocked Down


Pastors in India tell me daily how they are managing and assure me they pray for Christians in the USA.  One said, “we are locked down but not knocked down.”  I like that!  I’d like to share what happened this past week.

The response to the need for food for poor pastors in India is phenomenal.  God’s people here in PA, NJ, SC, OK, MD and MO have given sacrificially and generously.  A number of Chinese Christians, living in China, donated a large sum of money as well.  We even received a donation from a nurse in Italy that is caring for Covid infected patients. It’s wonderful to see God’s people from different parts of the world join together to help brothers and sisters in need.  What a joy to see the Body of Christ function as it can and should!

Stories from individual pastors are uplifting and joyous.  Pastor J. (see picture below) comes from a family that washes clothes.  He came to know the Lord 20 years ago and God called him to pastor.  He started a ministry in two villages.  He pastors in a very poor slum area.  He called Pastor Moses and said his family of 3 children had nothing to eat.  He didn’t know what to do and started crying.  Pastor Moses was able to provide food for his family. He, along with all the other pastors, are very happy and grateful. All the pastors overwhelmingly express of appreciation.

One of our conference pastors, Pastor D. (see picture below), grew up as an idol worshiper and was addicted to alcohol.  One day while working in a cement factory he fell down sick.  A Christian co-worker shared the gospel with him.  He accepted the Lord and was healed.  He started going to church and following Jesus.  He received Bible training and, with his wife, son and daughter, started planting churches.  He started 4 churches and trained a man to pastor each church.  He currently pastors a church with 10 people.  His family was struggling for food and praying for God to provide.  Another conference pastor informed him about CTO’s food distribution network. Now he has food and is thanking God for answered prayer and is most grateful. He is using this shutdown time to read the conference books and to prepare sermons.

Additionally, my material on LifeWay’s pastoral training website Is soon to be launched.  Pray God would use it in miraculous ways. You can see the site at https://www.lifewayequip.com/

Matthew 25:44-45  “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’  “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

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