Where Are All the People?

When Pastor Moses came to the USA in 2015 his first question was, “Where are all the people?”  That question only makes sense if you’ve been to India.  One of the first impressions is that there are people everywhere all the time.  Cities, towns, villages, even in the country – day and night is like Times Square on New Years Eve or any large downtown at rush hour (but even more crowded).  It seems no one stays home; everyone is always outside going somewhere.  Many don’t have homes, and for most who do they are tiny, dark and dirty.  So everyone is outside doing something or going somewhere.  With 1.2 billion people in a country 1/3 the size of the continental USA no wonder it is crowded.

The thoughts that are foremost in my mind when I see these masses is that every single one of them was created in a special, unique way by God.  He knows every one by name – He even knows how many hairs are on each head.  He loves them dearly.  Jesus thought of each and every one on the cross and paid for every one of their sins.  How their emptiness and suffering, their pain and hopelessness but hurt Him.  Life is cheap here and death very common – and each one who dies without Jesus must break God’s heart.  Still He loves each one of them the same as He loves you and me.

What an awesome, wonderful, caring, patient, loving God we have!  We can’t even begin to imagine His loving heart for humanity!  Yet He never forces anyone to come to Him.  He allows each to make their free will choice.  That’s where we come in.  He uses Christians to be light in the darkness, to point the way to Him.  It’s a great privilege but also a great responsibility.  What we do in India doesn’t begin to even scratch the surface of one small part of this country.  But by training, encouraging and supporting India pastors we can help them reach out to the lost masses where they live.  The conferences and books better enable them to reach those we cannot reach.  It’s encouraging to find out about other ministries in the USA doing similar things to what we do.  It’s an honor for me to be used by God to be one of those doing this special work, and for you to pray and support us.

John 3:16-17  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” 

Are you touched by the millions without Jesus, the ones entering a Christless eternity every second?  What can you do to help?  (Support ministries which reach unbelievers, pray, speak to those around you who don’t know Jesus, etc.)

Christian Training Organization
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