Salvataion in the Stars 2


In the first blog in this series, we established the fact that God put the stars in the sky to teach His truth and the constellations to reveal the plan of salvation.  We won’t go into detail about each constellation and its meaning, but just summarize the overall teaching.  If you want details go to my full article on “Salvation in the Stars” at  For a PDF copy email which includes charts and diagrams of the stars, email me at

The stars proclaim God’s plan of salvation.  Now that we’ve seen that God put His plan of salvation in the 12 signs of the zodiac and 36 related constellations, let us put it all together.  Starting with Jesus’ birth as a baby (Virgo) and culminating with His second coming to remove sin and Satan forever (Leo), God’s plan for man is revealed in the stars.  Not all the details about Jesus’ life and ministry are given, of course.  Still, enough is revealed to know beyond a shadow of doubt that if one is seeking God he can find Him and salvation.

First, man’s need of salvation is shown (Libra, man deficient in God’s sight).  Next God’s provision of Christ (death for sin and resurrection conquering sin) to meet the deficiency is clearly and repeatedly shown (Virgo, Centaurus, Libra, Crux, Lupus, Capricornus, Sagitta, Aquila, Aries, Perseus, Gemini, Canis Major).  Man can’t add anything to this, can only accept it (Sagitta).  When man does make a free-will decision to put faith in God for salvation and not in his own works, then he receives it.  ALL sin is removed (Pisces, Andromeda).  There is never any fear of judgment, only security (Cancer, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Argo).    God sends many blessings quickly (Aquarius, Pisces Australias, Pegasus, Cygnus).

Genesis 3:15  God’s first prophecy in the Bible is about Jesus, Genesis 3:15.  “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”   This is clearly seen in Virgo, Crux & Corona, Ophiuchus, Hercules, Capricornus, Orion, and Leo & Hydra.

Zodiac and the Tabernacle  The signs of the zodiac were arrayed around the Tabernacle.  Each tribe had a flag with its name and symbol on it.  The symbol corresponded with a sign in the sky (Gen. 37:9; 49; Num 23; 24; Deut 33).  That Judah was symbolized by a lion (Leo) is common knowledge.  The other tribes seem to be: Issachar (Cancer), Zebulon (Virgo), Simeon (Pisces), Reuben (Aquarius), Gad (Aries), Ephraim & Manasseh (Taurus – 2 horns), Benjamin (Gemini), Asher (Sagittarius), Dan (Scorpio), Nephtali (Capricorn) and Levi (Libra).

Satan – the Defeated Enemy  Much is shown about Satan.  Scorpio and Serpens shows him attacking Christ.  Draco shows he is cast down.  The Band shows him working against believers.  Cetus shows him bound.  Lepus shows him trodden under foot.  Hydra shows him destroyed.

Jesus – the Victorious One  The main focus, of course, is on Jesus.  Virgo shows He is to come from Israel and Mary.  Coma foretells He will come as a baby.  Centaurus reveals His death for our sin.  Bootes talks about His return as judge.  Libra focuses on His sacrifice for sin.  Crux shows this work will be done on the cross.  Lupus focuses on Him voluntarily giving Himself for sin.  Corona foreshadows the coming crown Jesus will receive.  Ophiuchus and Hercules proclaim his defeat of Satan.  Sagittarius proclaims Christ the conqueror.  Capricornus focuses on His death and resurrection.  Sagitta teaches redemption is from God.  Aquila brings out the truth that Jesus was slain by God.  Delphinus pictures the resurrection of Christ.  Aquarius relates Christ’s blessings which will be poured forth.  Pegasus and Cygnus report Christ quickly bringing blessings. Cepheus describes Christ releasing believers from Satan.  Aries portrays Him being slain for sin.  Perseus depicts Christ destroying Satan.  Taurus explains Christ coming to rule.  Orion imparts information about Christ conquering all.  Auriga reminds us that believers are protected by Christ.  Gemini reveals Jesus in His two comings, as Servant and Judge.  Canis Major and Minor reveal Christ as Prince and Redeemer.  Leo announces Christ as the Lion crushing Satan.       .

Throughout the Ages…  There is no way of knowing the impact this revelation of God’s plan of salvation in the stars has had throughout the years.  We don’t understand or appreciate it now because we have God’s greater, clearer revelation in the Bible.  Still, for thousands of years (and still today in some parts of the world), God’s message of hope and freedom from sin was conveyed in the stars.  Satan has perverted and silenced their message to us today, but God makes sure His word goes out anyway.  He no longer needs the stars as the main revelation of His truth.  Still, by looking at it and understanding it we can better worship and praise God and His greatness.  It is a good way of better understanding God’s plan for us (by the figures and signs which clearly reveal God’s truth).  Just as God reveals His truth by objects in the Tabernacle, so He does the same thing with the stars.

If you come across some information or insights about this whole subject of salvation in the stars, I would be very interested in seeing or hearing about it.  Please contact me at: ​

I encourage you to teach this to your children.  It combines Bible study, worship and science.  God bless you as you use this information to bless others!

Revelation 14:7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

Spend some time quietly worshipping God for His marvelous plan of salvation and His willingness to share it with you so you can spend eternity with Him forever.  If you have not accepted this free gift please do so now!


FOR THE REST OF THIS SERIES: I have articles about each of the 12 constellation groups but won’t be printing them here.  If you want a copy email me and I’ll send it to you, complete with diagrams.  Write me at



Christian Training Organization

(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View)

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Christian Training Organization
(India Outreach, Spiritual Warfare, Family Ministries, Counseling, World View) Copyright ©1995-2025